As one of your college’s trusted partners, we’ll get the most out of your budget for the benefit of the students.
From College Theatre Stage Lighting and Sound to Lecture Room Audio-Visual Facilities.
If you’re responsible for the AV technology in your college, let us be your go-to team for a wide range of services, including equipment sales, installations, short-term hire, safety inspections, maintenance and technical tuition.
As one of your college’s trusted partners, we’ll get the most out of your budget for the benefit of the students.
Keeping your facilities safe and legal
Facilitating your rooms to their full advantage
We are here to provide you with technical advice
Equipment Training to Get the Most Out of Your Investment
Ask us questions on the latest technology
Hiring options for your colleges needs
Keeping you safe and legal
Save money by using our services
Check out our handy Drama Studio Builder!
It guides you step by step to build your drama studio, and when you’re finished it sends you an estimated price for the project.
For a limited time, we’re offering schools and other venues a full-day Theatre Tech Spring Clean for just £495 (+VAT). Contact us today to make a booking.